About Us
As the first non-profit library of the humanities in the city, the collection of Nose in the Books combines the donations of local retired professors. It covers a wide range of topics including Hong Kong, gender, culture, urban studies, literature, philosophy and cinema.
The library often organises a series of cultural activities on weekends, such as reading groups, human libraries, and guided tours. It also produces a podcast programme called Bookcast HK and has published Faces under Masks: Tales from Hongkongers amid the Pandemic and Central Market Rendezvous.
The library is thrilled to introduce our delightful companion, the Causeway Bay Penguin! This curious little character roams the vibrant streets of Causeway Bay with our dedicated team of human helpers. Since launching its Facebook and Instagram accounts at the end of 2021, Penguin has been sharing its extraordinary adventures on its brand-new website. Join us as we explore the magic of stories and build the community together!
除開放予讀者打書釘,圖書館也常於週末策劃一連串文化活動,例如讀書組、真人圖書館、導賞等,又錄製 Podcast節目Bookcast HK,介紹與香港相關的書。
Address: 3/F, 54 Yun Ping Road, Causeway Bay
地址: 銅鑼灣恩平道54號唐四樓
Email: noseinthebookshk@gmail.com
Support us 支持我們:paypal.me/NoseintheBooksHK